Simply The Best in Replacement Windows, Doors, and Siding in Kansas City...Guaranteed!

An Andersen double hung replacement window in a living room.

What to Expect from All-Weather’s Window Installation Process

Andersen Double Hung Replacement Window in Office

All-Weather Window, Doors & Siding technicians are masters at replacing Kansas City area home windows. They are careful not to miss a step, so that your windows are installed correctly and won’t have problems down the road.

Here’s a step-by-step summary of what a window installation job looks like, and why we do it better than anyone else.

Step 1: Determine if it’s a Lead-Safe Installation

Before our technicians begin any job, they check the year that the home was built. This is due to lead-based paint products that were used prior to the federal government banning them in 1978. Lead from paint, including lead-contaminated dust, is one of the most common causes of lead poisoning.

If your home was built prior to 1978, our expert technicians take additional safety precautions (as mandated by the EPA) to ensure dust particles don’t enter your home during an installation.

We are also careful to do most of the work from the outside of your home. This allows us to be less intrusive. If we must be inside your home to install the new windows, we always wear booties on our shoes to protect your floors and your home.

Step 2: Remove Old Window

After we determine what type of procedures we need to follow, we remove the old windows from your home. Starting with the sash and frame from the windows, then moving on to remove the storm windows.

We carefully inspect the window opening to ensure it is level and straight and no wood rot exists. This is critical as it will affect whether or not the new window is installed correctly.

Step 3: Install Replacement Window

Once it’s time to install your new replacement windows, we follow a few guidelines to ensure they match up with the old window openings. We shim the window to make sure it fits level, straight, and tight.

Then we use non-expanding foam to fill the void around the window. This ensures the window stays airtight, effectively insulating your home.

Related Read: All-Weather has the right product to enhance your home’s style and your budget.

Step 4: Clean Up Work Site

After the installation process is complete, our technicians will leave your home as clean (or cleaner) than when they started. They vacuum all work areas with a HEPA vacuum to remove all dust particles effectively. All that’s left to do is enjoy your new windows and lower energy bills!

Contact All-Weather Window, Doors & Siding today at (913) 210-8810 or (816) 673-2480 or schedule an appointment online to install replacement windows in your home.

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