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3 Energy-Efficient Window Treatments

Natural light can be very flattering for your home, and can help open up your home, but it can also cause a lot of heat gain in the summer months. While that can be beneficial in the winter months, it can also exacerbate your air conditioning needs and send your cooling costs through the roof. Nobody likes that. So how can you still reap the benefits of big, bright windows without having to suffer the drawbacks? Make sure you install the right type of window treatments. Here are three energy-efficient window treatment options to check out.

Window AwningsAwnings

Window awnings are a great choice for energy-efficient window treatments. They can help reduce solar heat gain in the summer by as much as 65% on south-facing windows, and as much as 75% on west-facing windows. Choose awnings with tightly woven materials that are lighter in color. These tend to reflect more sunlight, which further helps reduce heat gain.

Window Drapes for Energy Efficient WindowsDraperies

Indoor draperies are another great way to reduce the power of the sun’s rays in your home. Medium colored draperies with a white backing are the most energy efficient. These have been shown to reduce heat gain by as much as 33%. They can also be useful in the winter months, by helping seal the heat inside, and reduce heat loss.

Related Read: Replacing Your Windows? Try These Design Recommendations

Window Blinds Energy EfficiencyShades

As long as these are properly installed, they can be one of the most energy-efficient ways to reduce heat gain in your home through windows. Make sure your shades are mounted as close to the glass as possible with the sides of the shade held close to the wall. For greater efficiency, use dual shades—highly reflective, white lined on one side and heat absorbing dark on the other side. These can then be reversed with the seasons. The reflective surface should always face the warmest side.

For helping figuring out which type of window treatment is best for different areas of your home, call the window experts at All-Weather Window, Doors & Siding at 913-262-4380. You can also check out our window guide with 112 Ways to Make Your Windows Stand Out.

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